GLYPHOSAT - IS A REPLACEMENT COMING? // Linsen: Rezept gegen den Welthunger image
                  GLYPHOSAT - is there a replacement?      

Unusual sugar from cyanobacteria acts as a natural herbicide:     

Source: University of Tübingen 2019 Klaus Brilisauer, Johanna Rapp, Pascal Rath, Anna Schöllhorn, Lisa Bleul, Elisabeth Weiß, Mark Stahl, Stephanie Grond, Karl Forchhammer "Cyanobacterial antimetabolite 7-deoxy-sedoheptulose blocks the shikimate pathway to inhibit the growth of prototrophic organisms. - Published in Nature Communications (February 1st, 2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08476-8 /

Chemists and microbiologists at the University of Tübingen discover a sugar molecule that inhibits plants and microorganisms and is harmless to human cells - an alternative to the controversial glyphosate.
Researchers at the University of Tübingen have discovered a natural substance that could compete with the controversial weedkiller glyphosate: The newly discovered sugar molecule from cyanobacteria inhibits the growth of various microorganisms and plants, but is harmless to humans and animals.
The joint study was led by Dr. Klaus Brilisauer, Professor Stephanie Grond (Institute of Organic Chemistry) and Professor Karl Forchhammer (Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine). It was published on Friday in the journal Nature Communications.
Active ingredients for pharmaceutical or agricultural use often originate from natural substances. These can consist of complex chemical structures, but can also be relatively simple. The genius of such active ingredients often lies in their simplicity: so-called “antimetabolites” (from Metabolimus = metabolism) interact with vital processes in the cell by mimicking metabolic products. The result is a disruption of the affected biological process, which can lead to growth inhibition or even death of the affected cell.
The Tübingen research team from chemistry and microbiology has now discovered a very unusual antimetabolite with an impressively simple chemical structure: a sugar molecule with the scientific name “7-deoxy-sedoheptulose (7dSh)”. Unlike ordinary carbohydrates, which usually serve as a source of energy for growth, this substance inhibits the growth of various plants and microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast. The sugar blocks an enzyme in the so-called shikimate pathway, a metabolic pathway that only occurs in microorganisms and plants. For this reason, the scientists classify the active ingredient as harmless to humans and animals and have already proven this in initial studies.

According to the scientists, the long-term goal is to be able to replace controversial herbicides and thus their degradation products that are harmful to health in the long term.


LENSES: The recipe against world hunger

https://youtube/TByhNAgAZ8M Small plant – big hope:

Lentils could be the key in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. They thrive in dry regions, are very rich in protein and are real powerhouses full of minerals and trace elements. Scientists around the world are working to make them even more productive and disease-resistant using cutting-edge biotechnology.

Lentils could be what humanity desperately needs: a real nutritional miracle. The undemanding legume not only thrives particularly well in dry regions; Lentil plants also have the ability to store nitrogen from the air in their root nodules. Their cultivation also naturally fertilizes the soil. Lentils are also real powerhouses full of minerals and trace elements. If you eat the small legumes together with cereals or whole grain rice, it results in a perfectly balanced meal from a nutritional and physiological point of view. Because lentils contain around 25 percent protein. Scientists all over the world are therefore trying to make lentil plants even more productive. Researchers are breeding particularly robust varieties and extremely fast-maturing ones that also fit into the crop rotation of small farmers in poor countries.

The new varieties are also bred to contain even more important nutrients such as iron and zinc. Lentils are also a recipe against hidden hunger, malnutrition. The largest producer of lentils is no longer India, but Canada. The province of Saskatchewan has been called the “lens chamber of the world.” Canadian lentil plants were developed to be grown using machines harvest and at the same time are resistant to weed killers. This guarantees huge returns. (In Canada, lentils are often part of the 4-year crop rotation. This saves nitrogen fertilizer)

But at the same time, there is an ever-increasing supply gap, especially in countries where people are particularly dependent on lenses. The work of lens researchers is therefore a race against the consequences of climate change and population growth.

Traps for locust swarms
Inspired by the great plague of 2020

Large net-covered racks can be made as follows, affordably and easily:

The body is made from long bamboo poles*. By inserting the thinner pole end into a thick pole start, units of any length are created. For example, with a side length of 50 m and a height of around 10 m, the net-covered traps - consisting of around 100 poles and 4,500 m² of net - form a volume of 25,000 m³.

Aligned to the flight direction of the incoming swarm, the respective side front is lowered to the ground and thus forms the open entrance to the cage. Several tonnes of the protein-rich grasshoppers can be caught in the cage and, depending on the conditions, economically processed on site.
Gradually, carbonised in simple pyrolysis ovens, the scent drives more locusts out of the area and then makes good soil fertiliser in the form of animal charcoal. The majority of the yield is used as food for domestic animals or humans.
Ducks also like to eat live grasshoppers, as well as harmful rice field snails from the field.

Attractants - which would have to be developed - could lure the swarms into such traps.

The aim must be to achieve a harmonious residual population. It should neither excessively reduce the harmful side of the species nor jeopardise the need for secure crop yields for local people.

   *In "peacetime", nets and poles are stored under tarpaulins.

These approaches may be implemented with the help of UNIDO, FAO and UNHCR.

HIGH WATER PROTECTION using water-filled hoses

... offers a simple system that can be used many times, such as the one offered by It saves the tedious and time-consuming work of filling sandbags, stacking them and all the aftermath; i.e. before, during and after such expensive disasters.

Reforestation with DROHNEN
One billion trees per year

British researchers want to use drones to find places where trees can be planted and seeds sown directly in the right spot. Lauren Fletcher and his team at BioCarbon Engineering want to plant one billion trees a year. The drones will first create a 3D map, on the basis of which the researchers will draw up a planting plan.

Another drone then flies over the area and shoots so-called seed bombs into the ground. The drones would make much faster progress than reforestation by hand - trees could also be planted in regions that are difficult to access.
One drone could plant around 600 seed bombs per hour. Two or three pilots could plant up to 36 thousand trees in one day; these would then have to be systematically fertilised and watered. Drones work 10 times faster than by hand and Tree replanting is an urgent necessity in terms of climate control.

Again and again and again - forest fires in the Mediterranean, Africa, Asia and Australia. However, it is almost only the 'regular' fires in California that make it into the media, because the villas of celebrities there repeatedly fall victim to the flames.
Blasting hose in action

But less prominent people are also affected, firefighters die, firefighting aeroplanes and helicopters crash - but despite all efforts, the fires cannot be extinguished. And nobody even dares to estimate how many millions of tonnes of CO2 and other gases are released into the environment.
Yet for over 10 years there has been an ingenious, ready-to-use and also safe method of blowing out even 1,000°C fire rolls - almost as easily as we blow out a candle! The fact that this technology is not used worldwide is one of the truly evil crimes of our time.

The invention goes back to the head of the Frankfurt professional fire brigade, Professor Ries. Despite initial attempts, however, the company that took out the licence, Wagner GmbH in Langenhagen, seems to have been subjected to such pressure that it is now refusing any further attempt to bring the product onto the market. Instead, they are sitting like a dragon on the treasure chest of this fantastic solution that can save and protect lives, property and the environment.
But read for yourself the article about extinguishing forest fires by blasting them away (using water walls). The fact that this is topical and will remain topical for a long time to come is shown by the forest fires that are flaring up again and again, not least in California, which are also increasingly associated with fatalities. 


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80% CO2 reduction are possibile: LET’S CONTRIBUTE TO CLIMATE CALMING; MY CONCEPTS ALSO INVITE YOU - LET'S IMPLEMENT THEM: #mobility, #plasticpollution, #agriculture, #TOPten4Bikes, #lightconstruction and more...

  Before we - dear readers - want to go into the topic of our inner atmosphere and spirituality in more detail in Part 3.0 - a few words about our worldly "reality":

It seems real to us humans that everything that relates to profession, production, various services and social reputation has to do with monetary values. As a result, everyone, really everyone, finds themselves in their own particular social affiliation. However, the shaking sieves* of industries, finance, and general competitive actions and thinking cause a certain, imperceptible “soul-stealing”.

The resulting overexploitation also resulted in: land grabbing, child labor, regional extreme poverty, ethnocide, dying professional groups and all kinds of appropriation of resources by a few. Everyone has become replaceable and only counts with their consumption capacity and as a vote - or they don't count at all and are forced to remain in their existentially precarious poverty.

Book tip: Naomi Klein - "Why only a GreenNewDeal can save our planet"