THIS EARTH AND THE HEAVENS // Diese Erde und die Himmel  image

                             Psalms & own prayers                              

Every child who still believes in the Christ child knows more
than an enlightened sceptic who has not outgrown the general
sceptic who has not outgrown the general doubts about this.
Because knowing more than just about Jesus
is not considered higher knowledge.
Happy are the parents who bring God close to their children
and do not withhold HIM from their tender souls.
M.Th. Dec. 2021

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It needs love, the lovers,
and the threatened families their chain mail.
The poor need bread and butter,
and the long-term unemployed need coffee.
There is no profit for those who get richer every day,
and he who commands all has no power.
It needs recovery, the exhausted topsoil,
Instead of all the tools of war, it needs sickles.
It needs valerian, against its hatred, the radical,
and for esoteric confusion it needs honey.
Mothers and babies need milk against fear,
and fasting is needed by the eternally full.
It needs the good gifts of the rich in order to still
to slip through the eye of the needle as a slim camel.
Even the well-heeled punter has his failures,
but the freezing migrant needs a protective cloak.
It needs the living one who dies,
the whole of humanity has his all-embracing grace.
I man am smoke and useless the pinch of knowledge,
the salt of wisdom is needed to reach the goal..;
and in our hearts God-like mercy.
Then we too will be adorned with the sonship of God - blossoming
for the wedding in heaven - on a permanent foundation.
The pious seeker still lacks the pepper,
but the Word, clear as water, helps him
to transformation into original power.
M.Th. 11.10,21 in Vienna
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Even if the days of shame lead to the climate protest marches Our youth is already fading, but a day like this will where the prophet “Jonah in Nineveh” was successful. That day will surely come, for the Lord has plans of salvation for us. this day according to God's handwriting will lead us to sincere sanctification and give us his comprehensive salvation.
M.Th., Vienna, 22.02.2022


Hoping for rain
Everything humanly possible, when it's done, and beyond that nothing more can be done, then the time for hope has come. Hoping for rain and praying for rain. Finally! Rain. Humanly possible: Acquiring the land, leveling the ground, tending the machines, putting the grain in the ground. And wait. And hope. But you didn't make the seeds yourself, not a single grain, nor the soil, this source of stardust. Humanly impossible. Dust, sun and rain. And life. You can't do it. Guard, preserve, enliven. Buy, level, use. Bake, enjoy. You can do that. You can't do it. Humanly impossible. Man is a hoper for rain. When it is done, as humanly possible, and the rain you hoped for has come, invite you to the table and tell about your hope for rain. And share. And laugh. And live.
Matthew Fellinger

This earth and the heavens
I believe that the real world does not need interest money or cryptocurrency, black gold, hustle and bustle, noise and smell, warheads and violence to function in its own truth and produce good goods.
Does it cause poverty, rural exodus and natural derailments? This earth is generous and has space for all life; It doesn't know any asphalt strips or "careless" CO2! It gives enough of itself and it doesn't rush forward. Doesn’t she have comprehensive empathy, dignity, patience? She gives joy, is helpful and loyal! How do we experience and see the world today?
I think that the earth is not constantly ailing, hurrying or fighting, and dying in it means peacefully falling asleep. Our technical aids are merely medium-term, intellectual loans to overcome our respective crises. You can't hope for high finance - but I firmly trust in heavenly support. His love is true, good and beautiful.
The mystical dark matter and the missing cosmic energy, which astrophysicists are feverishly searching for, will probably only be discovered when our ears, eyes and hearts are cleansed. But our Creator's plan of salvation accomplishes this. Nor did the “waters of life” arrive on the young Earth as ice comets and lead to the given number of all the world’s oceans; God himself spoke these floods into existence!
M.Th. 2020

Jonah in Nineveh
The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time: “Go on your journey and go to Nineveh, this great city, and charge it with all that I shall tell you." Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, as the Lord had commanded him. Nineveh was a great city in the sight of God; It took three days to cross it. to cross it. Jonah began to enter the city; He walked for a day and called out: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be destroyed!" And the people of Nineveh believed God. They proclaimed a fast, and everyone, great and small and small, put on the garments of repentance. When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robe, put on a penitential robe, and sat down in the ashes. He sent out a proclamation in Nineveh: "Command of the king and his nobles: All men and animals, cattle: "All men and animals, cattle, sheep and goats, shall not eat, feed, nor drink water." They will cover themselves with it Garments of repentance, man and beast, they will cry aloud to God, and everyone will repent and turn from their evil deeds and the evil that is in their hands. Who knows, perhaps God will repent again and relent from his fierce anger so that we will not perish. And God saw their conduct; he saw that they repented and turned from their evil deeds. Then God repented of the evil he had threatened them with and did not carry out the threat.
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I see: Whether God gives us 40 weeks, 40 days or 40 hours as a time limit today and what you need to repent is for each “Nineveh resident” to decide. Every “inhabitant of Nineveh” must find out for himself in his heart. In my repentance I was able to free myself from the intense stupidity of many youthful follies. Jesus suffered for you too!
M.Th. - March 2018                  ______________________

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you, and although they are with you, they do not belong to you. You can give them your love, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts.nYou can give their body a home, but not their soul, for their soul dwells in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You can try to be like them, but don't try to make them like you. For life does not go backwards and does not dwell on yesterday. You are the bow from which your children are sent out as arrows. Let the rounding of your bow mean joy in the hand of the archer. 
Kahlil Gibran

Psalm 91 
He who dwells in the protection of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty. I say to the LORD: You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. For he will save you from the hunter's snare and from the plague of destruction. He protects you with his wings, / under his wings you find refuge; shield and protection is his faithfulness. You need not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the plague that creeps in the darkness, nor the plague that rages at midday.
Even if a thousand fall at your side, / at your right hand ten times a thousand, it will not come to you. You will see with your eyes and see how the wrongdoers will be repaid. Yes, you, O LORD, are my refuge.
You have made the Most High for your protection. No harm will come to you, no plague will come to your tent. For he commands his angels to keep you in all your ways. They will carry you up in their hands, so that your foot will not hit a stone; you walk over lions and vipers, you tread on young lions and dragons. Because he is attached to me, I want to save him.
I want to protect him because he knows my name. If he calls to me, I will answer him. / I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and bring him to glory. I will satisfy him with long life, I will let him see my salvation. Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as in the beginning, so now, and always, and for ever.

Oh my god -
I'm confused - You, the "You are there"...
My noisy head, my peaceless heart -
cries at your door: Let me in; let me see you and feel amazed...
I'm deaf to your voice. Teach me your silence, your rich poverty,
your discipline and what you delight in;
otherwise I am lost - in the misery of a cold nothingness.
I can and may be because everyone is there -
everything is through divine creation.
And we all, trapped in the confines of the very pregnant universe,
strive for your peace - out of misery and inner hunger -
everyone a refugee!

Behind the oppressive pains of the new birth we await you - waiting for your love - thank you! Tomorrow, yes now and tomorrow, you are our King, Shepherd and Heaven. JESUS - lead us back to God. I found it fitting to follow Jesus Him who first sought me, sheltered me and loved me; His word, His peace gives salvation. You draw us to living and eternal love - to our home with our Father.

Behind the oppressive pains of the new birth we await you - waiting for your love - thank you! Tomorrow, yes now and tomorrow, you are our King, Shepherd and Heaven. JESUS - lead us back to God. I found it fitting to follow Jesus Him who first sought me, sheltered me and loved me; His word, His peace gives salvation. You draw us to living and eternal love - to our home with our Father.
M.Th. - 03.2016

A song of praise to my God
Who called me by name and freed me from the trouble of wandering. Oh - you, my kind, heavenly Papa - I was thrown onto hot sand, like a mute fish. But you revived me in your waters. Now I swim happily and breathe your breath. Oh - who art like a heavenly Mother - blissfully giving birth; I was thrown into a deep crevasse - frozen alone. But your warm, rich breast milk was able to thaw me. Now I can stretch out and my soul awakens to new life. Who threw me? The sight of you has destroyed his evil! I lived happily, yes – and then died easily. It was only a short journey for me to get your promise through the dark valley. Only your love saved me! And revived - I can, I want to thank you. Now I rejoice to see you at the throne of your glory. Hallelujah! Your victory is from the beginning. That's the way it is … Yes, I sing my psalter to this eternal God. He has sent us His own beloved Son. Jesus became human for our salvation - from death and darkness. You have given us return and reconciliation with Him - from your grace and love. That's the way it is. M.Th. - September 2000

You created me in my innermost being,
You formed me in my mother's womb.
Mister, Thank you for making me so wonderful and unique!
Everything you have created is great – I recognize that!
Already when I took shape in secret, still invisible,
artistically formed in my mother's womb,
I was not hidden from you.
When I was just emerging, you already saw me.

You wrote all the days of my life in your book - before any of them even began! How overwhelming are your thoughts for me, oh God, they are so incredibly many! They are more numerous than the sand by the sea; I wanted to count them all I would never get to the end! 
Psalm 139:13-24

He speaks justice in the strife of nations, He rebukes many nations. Then they forge plowshares from their swords And cut knives from their spears. The sword will no longer be drawn, nation against nation, and no longer practice for war. Isaiah 2:4


It's true: 
there is a lot of good in the world among us humans. And yet, unfortunately, hard facts are also true: 
We have ridiculed the truth of Your Word and called it pluralism.
We worshiped other gods and called it multiculture.
We embraced the perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.
We exploited the poor and called that their lot.
We rewarded laziness and called it prosperity.
We killed our unborn and called it self-determination.
We excused people who had abortions and called it justice.
We have failed to teach our children discipline and call that self-respect.
We abused power and called it politics.
We have envied our neighbor's possessions and called them striving.
We have polluted the airwaves with pornography and the worldly and worldly things and called it freedom of the press.
We ridiculed the values of our ancestors and called it enlightenment.
Joe Wright
Here I want – here we should – to confess and repent. God can forgive everyone - let's live with him!!! HE is never further away - than our prayer. M.Th. Vienna, February 2020

As surely as I live, says the Lord Almighty:
I take no pleasure in the death of the outlaw, but that the lawless man turn from his way and live! Repent, turn from your evil ways! Because why do you want to die...?
Ezekiel 33:11 _____________


you have searched me and know me.
Whether I'm sitting or standing, you know it.
You see through my thoughts from afar.
Whether I walk or rest, you measured it.
You are familiar with all my ways.
Yes, the word is not yet on my tongue; behold,
LORD, you have already fully recognized it.
You have surrounded me from behind and from front,
you have laid your hand on me.
This knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too high, I cannot understand it.

Where can I go from your spirit, where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven - there you are;
when I camped in the underworld - behold, there you are.
If I took the wings of the dawn, I would settle at the end of the sea,
there also your hand would guide me
and your right hand would take hold of me.
If I would say: Darkness shall devour me
and the light around me shall be night!
Even the darkness is not dark before you;
the night shines like the day,
 the darkness becomes like the light.
David - Psalm 139


When love beckons you,
follow her; their paths are also difficult and steep.
And when her wings envelop you, surrender to her,
even if the sword hidden under the feathers can wound you.
And when she speaks to you, believe in her,
even though her voice may shatter your dreams
like the north wind ravages the garden.
For as love crowns you, it crucifies you;
just as love makes you grow, it prunes you.

But if in your fear you only seek the peace and the pleasure of love,
then it is better for you to hide your nakedness,
and to go from the threshing floor of love - into the world without seasons, where you will laugh, but not all your laughter;
and cry, but not all your tears. Love gives nothing but itself and takes nothing but from itself.
Love neither possesses nor allows itself to be possessed.

For love is enough for love, and to know the pain of too many caresses,
to be wounded by one's own understanding of love,
and willing and to bleed joyfully,
to awaken at the dawn with a winged heart.
Khalil Gibran

Answer to our mortality 
Nobody wants to suffocate, die of thirst, fall into the abyss -
no one wants to drown, freeze, starve, or burn.
And yet it happens here and there.
Who wants to be afraid, lonely and misunderstood,
in hate and guilt, being blind and deaf with pain?
And yet we are not immune to it.
However: The Three Some want that not – pull us away from it.
Gentle and discreet, with patience and love.
Let's just let this happen!
M.Th. June 2020


It's me who speaks to you.
Who breaks conventions to create community
sees more than just you the water carrier
seeks your closeness if you avoid people.
who awaits you deep into the well shaft your ego
expects asks you for water to give you life force
quenches your thirst for belonging.
Who will transform your world into a sanctuary
Fills your empty jar of life
Fills you with meaning and joy
Makes you a bubbling spring.
Who makes you understand and
recognize trust you to lead people to
God makes you a messenger of joy.
It's me - me that doesn't stop to talk to you
to woo you to give you what you long for. 
Klaus Einspieler, Bible Department of the Diocese of Gurk

I have seen the Lord! 

When my eyes were caught in a net of tears,
the Lord freed them to see anew.
When my ears were fully focused on my pain,
the sound of his voice opened them to the message of joy.
When my lips were closed in fear, the Lord put a new song in my mouth. When I still thought the big stone would lie on my heart forever, my lover brought me into life...
Ralf Huning